Celebrating 6 Years | Norma Galambos


I celebrate a personal milestone in July; six years of writing, podcast hosting, and owning a small business. 

This year I was busy with various projects. I still don't know what category I fall into, a history writer, a children's author, a podcaster, or a businesswoman. I find it hard to reply with a short answer when someone asks what I do.

I added new history stories to my lifestyle blog and podcast, and several more of my favourite recipes to my food blog. My podcast recording and editing skills continue to improve. I'd be embarrassed to tell you how long it once took me to publish one episode.

A story I wrote entitled "Pass The Cream" was published in the Summer 2024 issue of Saskatchewan Folklore Magazine, and the story "The Little Village That Could | Hometowns" and a photo of my family fishing were published in More of Our Canada Magazine.


My Saskatchewan History Blog and Podcast Short Story Collection received a Heritage Saskatchewan Award for intangible history preservation. The award ceremony was held at Government House in Regina.


I did a telephone reading of one of my stories followed by a question-and-answer session for Seniors' Centre Without Walls. This organization was also awarded a Heritage Saskatchewan Award for providing opportunities for seniors to socialize, learn new skills and stay connected from the comfort of their homes.

Three of my children's books are currently being published. One book is about a dog and The Hubs said, "You can't write a book about a dog; you don't even have a dog." I replied that I also wrote a book about a dinosaur, and I don't have one of those either, so there!

Two other children’s manuscripts are completed, and I have started sending those to publishers. Bringing a manuscript to the point where I am comfortable sending it for their consideration is a ton of work. Write, edit, repeat. The writers I have worked with through various programs and the resources they suggested have been so helpful. I am working on other stories and every time I get together with the grandkids, I come home with another idea.

I took part in the Saskatchewan Writers Guild Virtual Writer in Residence Program again this year. This is a valuable tool for rural writers; getting feedback from mentors who are authors, editors, and publishers is fantastic. I have taken writing courses and attended workshops and conferences over the past six years and hope to take advantage of more learning opportunities. Connecting with like-minded people who share your passions is motivational and inspiring.

My small business currently has an array of handmade products such as bath bombs and salts, oatmeal soaks, repellent, foot spray/powder, shower steamers, toilet cleaning tabs, lip scrubs and balms, BBQ meat rubs, drink rimmers and gift boxes. My latest endeavour is making bubble bath powders, candles and soaps. I want to work on my wax and soap pouring techniques as everything looks easier on that damn Pinterest than it is.

I sell my products at three business locations, from my website, home, and tradeshows. The Hubs is a tremendous help in loading and unloading products for tradeshows. The joke that once you spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on supplies, you can make something to sell for $5.00 applies.

In the coming year, I plan to broaden the scope of my history stories and also write about collective Canadian memories and experiences. I've been thinking about topics like trends in fashion and technology, growing up Canadian, parenting, and grand-parenting and of course the weather.

I’d like to try my hand at poetry. I think that would be therapeutic for the soul.

I continue to work part-time out of the home, and with family commitments, life is full. I like it that way; too much idle time isn't beneficial in my life; I need to feel productive.

My conundrum is that I have too many ideas and insufficient time and energy. I never want to give up on any of my projects. I am trying to let go of what isn't working and move on, but the struggle is real.

I have no regrets; I love the feeling creating gives me. I often have a random selection of projects on the go, but so what if I'm writing a book about a dog one day and then making soap the next. The point is to let your creativity take you to places you've never been and to do things you've never done.

Many of you have been with me on this journey from the beginning and I am grateful for your support and encouragement. Thank you for reading and listening to my stories, sharing them and for supporting my small business.❤️




๐Ÿ”— "5 years of doing what I love”


๐Ÿ”— “4 Years of Stories”

To read more stories visit Norma Galambos Lifestyle, where you will also find links to my:

  • About Me
  • Podcast
  • Published short stories
  • Children’s Books
  • Awards
  • Yard & Garden photos
  • Favourite Recipes
  • Gift Shop
  • Social Media


