Yard and Garden 2024

Osteospermum Daisy Falls Purple
Petunias Easy Wave Plum Pudding
Non-Stop Joy Yellow Begonia
Petunia SweetSunshine Blueberry Vein
Pots need a lot of watering, but they add so much beauty to your yard that it is worth the effort.  
Petunia, Gypsy Deep Rose Gypsophia growing
on rain barrell.
This one spends its winters in the basement and
thrives outside every summer.
Ipomoea Marguerite Vine, Dracaena
Petunias, Ageratum, Dracaena
Dianthus, Gypsophila, Lucky Lavender Lantana
Purple Red Fuchsia

Irises (60+ years old)
The first thing to bloom every year. Early May.
Pasque Flower
Pasque Flower

Lilac bush  (60 years old)
We cut it back to the ground in 2020 and it has come back beautifully, the blossoms and leaves are huge.
Old Rose (80+years old)
Bird Condo
Hostas and pansies in the fairy garden.
Hostas, Painted Daisies
Balloon Flower
Birchleaf Spirea
False Sunflower Summer Sun
Burgundy Hollyhocks
Minature lilac, Rudbeckia Indian Summer,
Coreopsis, Dogwood
Bleeding Heart
Fuschia Hollyhocks
Hardy Yellow Rose
Pink Climbing Rose 2024
Rosa ‘John Davis’ (it is 1 ft now - tag says it can grow up to 12 ft tall with 3” roses)

Black Knight Lilies
These multiple like crazy!
Yellow Pansy
This random lone yellow beauty mysteriously appeared under the tree by the deck and bloomed all summer. 
True Blue Pansies, Hostas
Kevin, the Squirrel in Residence, eating the bird’s food

April 22, 2024   How does this ….

Turn into this ….
June 26, 2024
Amber Ninebark, Purple Clematis
Wichita Juniper (left)
If it’s hella hot at suppertime we hide out back there.
The sunny side where we sit in the morning.
Boxwood lower front of picture.
Hostas, goutweed, ferns, clematis, irises
Started this bed in 2023
Where the fairies live.
Lady’s Mantle (front left)
Golden Elder, Spider Plant
Morning view
Firetable sitting area
We sit here on a medium hot day or at night if we aren't ambitious enough to make a campfire in the backyard
 fire pit.

Morning View
Mobil Tomatoes
National Pickling Cucumber
Autumn’s return - Tamarack Tree
