Christmas Message | Love, Laughter & Peace

Three things came to mind when I was thinking about what I wanted to write in my Christmas message: love, laughter and peace. 

If we have love in our lives, we already have so much. Love that fulfills us can come in different forms: family, friends, pets or something you are passionate about. 

If you have laughter in your life, that means you have people you enjoy spending time with. Living in the moment gets us out of our heads for a bit. There is a measure of truth in the saying, “laughter is the best medicine”.

A sense of peace isn’t necessarily one of unbridled joy; it can be a feeling of calm and acceptance. Material things are often on our minds at this time of year, but they don’t always bring the happiness we hoped to achieve. Due to the increasing cost of living, many families have decided to cut back on their holiday spending. That is OK; as no matter what gifts you buy, what you make to eat, or how many decorations you put up, there is often pressure to do more. It is wise to take note of where this pressure is coming from, is it self-imposed? Draw your line in the sand, the point where you stop buying more gifts or baking another batch of butter tarts and step back, find some peace and enjoy the spirit of the season.

In the course of a year, it is hard to find a family that hasn’t been touched by adversity in some way. Certain times, like Christmas, have a way of magnifying emotional pain. You may find yourself sobbing over a tree ornament, a song or a handwritten recipe. Let some of that pain out, or it will become too heavy a burden. Feelings and memories surface because they need to be acknowledged before we can move forward. If you’re sad, consider this time a cathartic, healing season. 

It can be challenging to make everyone, from the kids to the elderly, feel included in the festivities. Trying to please everyone can cause anxiety and, at times, a feeling of falling short. Each of us has our comfort zone, some host and socialize for weeks, while others are relieved to get through one day of merriment. You do you! 

The Hubs and I will spend time with our daughter, son and their spouses over the holidays. The grandchildren will provide the entertainment, our youngest granddaughter will celebrate her first Christmas, and the older ones will have some cousin time together. 

We will do all the things; open presents, and eat way too much. Hopefully, the weather will be decent, so we can do some outdoor activities. I am grateful for the love, laughter and times of peace in my life. 

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas!

