2022 | Strength | Norma Galambos

Let’s face it; these last two years have been soul-crushing for many. I don’t have all the answers; I am struggling through these unsettling times right along with you. 

In my 2021 year-end post, I didn’t mention our plans for Christmas. We couldn't spend Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving together as a family last year, and I’ve learned that every time I write in advance about what we plan on doing, something goes south. I thought I would wait until the new year to share how the holidays went.

Life is imperfect, and perfectionists often burn themselves out. I’m a planner, and when arrangements get messed up, it really throws me off. I must remind myself that nothing is a given, and you can’t plan anything with absolute certainty; you have to be able to fly by the seat of your pants.

Christmas and New Year’s 2021

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Saskatoon at our son and daughter-in-law’s home, and then the family came to our house for a few days and visited with their grandmothers. It was super cold, but the kids played outside a little bit. Our son has a rink in his backyard, and our six-year-old granddaughter loved being able to go out and skate, claiming she wasn’t cold.

The Hubs and I spent New Year’s at home like a couple of sloths, we did manage to stay awake until 12:01, though, so I was pretty stoked about that. 

Moving Forward

As we kick 2021 to the curb and raise a glass to a new year, there is much to contemplate. It can seem overwhelming, but on a positive note, it means we have things to occupy our time, people that we care about, and responsibilities to keep us grounded. 

If you have been following this blog these last few years, you know that I stink at keeping New Year’s resolutions. It's great to say we will eat healthy and exercise, and do all the things, but we need to nurture ourselves first to have the strength to tackle these lofty goals. You have to be able to pick yourself up off the ground before you can walk. It’s exhausting feeling like we need to change ourselves every twelve months. Should we try to like who we are today instead of trying to change ourselves?

This year, I plan to write more about military veterans and continue researching and recording the history of my family and community. A wide variety of topics interest me, and I want to learn and write about things such as The Great Depression. I also hope to write stories about the everyday struggles people face.

Let Your Light Shine

I cannot stress enough the value of creating things; it can have an immense impact on the mental health of both men and women. It is good for anxiety, depression, loneliness and boredom. Let your creative side shine through; it doesn’t matter whether you sell what you make, give it away or discard it. Creativity fuels self-confidence and increases self-esteem, and can be a welcome distraction from unproductive thoughts.

Ways to express your creative side may include: photography, gardening, dancing, singing, acting, sports, painting, drawing, writing, culinary activities, sewing, knitting, or woodworking; the list of possibilities is extensive.

If finances are an issue, look around your house. What things do you have that you could recycle to make something? I come from the “waste not, want not” generation, so I often repurpose items.

I know many feel they are too busy to take creative time for themselves. Settle down, you don’t have to write the next great novel tonight, but you can make notes on what you would like to put in that novel when you have the time to write it. 

My Creative Journey

When I started, I felt like a disaster, I had no idea what I wanted to do creatively, but I realized that I longed for an outlet to express myself. Only when I started did I realize it was something that I’d been missing in my life. Over the last few years, I’ve tried my hand at many things, some of my ideas were successful, and some saw me investing hours of work with zero return, but if you don’t take chances, you will never know. 

Even though admitting defeat is never easy, every so often, you have to stop and reset; out with the old, in with the new. I plan to continue to create new products for my gift shop for all ages.

Be the Best Version of You

Learning to recognize certain behaviours for what they are can help us greatly. We often think other people are so calm, cool and collected, and nothing bothers them. If you observe them closely, though, you will notice that many have nervous habits they use to calm their anxiety. Their nails may be chewed to the quick; they might twist their hair, shake their leg or bite their lip. What are your triggers for negative thoughts and behaviours? How do you soothe yourself?

We don't know the strength of character we have until we’re called upon to step up during difficult times. The way you feel today may be totally different from how you will feel six months from now. 

The Search for Happiness 

People without passion for anything are merely going through the motions in life. Happiness, for most of us, is something that we have to strive to achieve; it doesn’t simply fall into our laps. It is an elusive state of being, one that many search for.

Questions to Ponder 
  • What is working in your life and what isn't? 
  • What can you realistically change? 
  • What challenges will you need to overcome to reach your goals?
  • What new things can you try this year? 
  • What truly interests you?

Every story I write brings new interaction with readers, and I am continually learning from you. I love the way nostalgia and traditions connect people across the country. Please continue to share your stories and comments; I love witty people who make me laugh out loud.



