I Didn’t Kill Grandma G Off Entirely

You may have noticed that the title of my blog has recently changed. 

Over the past two and a half years, I have built up my home-based business, Grandma G Ventures (Norma Galambos Lifestyle as of 2021), to include: 
  • Grandma G - My Journey Into Retirement Blog
  • Norma Galambos Lifestyle Podcast 
  • Freelance Writing Projects
  • Grandma G’s Recipe Blog
  • Grandma G’s Gift Shop
When I started my blog, I chose the name Grandma G - My Journey Into Retirement. That was the stage of life I was at and where my mindset was. I felt I knew a lot about grand-parenting and retirement. After all, I’d been a grandparent for nine years by that point, and I had been retired for an entire week. 

I have shared blog stories about being a grandparent and retirement, but those topics haven’t been my main focus. As time went on, I realized that there were many other stories that I wanted to tell that were utterly unrelated to my blog’s title. 

The original title turned out to be a bit misleading, giving potential readers the impression that they would find stories exclusively about my grandkids and retirement tips. Plus, people thought Grandma G and Norma Galambos were two different people. We are one in the same person; you might consider her my alter ego. 

I searched for a long time for an appropriate new title for my blog, but nothing felt right, and if it did, the name was already taken. The task of choosing a title to showcase a blog with such a wide array of topics proved to be more complicated than I had anticipated.

I have changed the title of the Grandma G - My Journey Into Retirement Blog to Norma Galambos Lifestyle Blog to afford myself the flexibility to write about a range of issues instead of being limited to a particular topic. Current events, family and Saskatchewan history and the ups and downs of everyday life are what inspire me to write. One week I might write about how to reinvent yourself or offer gardening advice, and the next week could be a story about being a teenager in the 1970s or barn dancing. 

The new title feels more like my authentic self. I didn't kill Grandma G off entirely as the Grandma G name remains a significant part of Grandma G Ventures (2021 became Norma Galambos Lifestyle). 

A lifestyle blog contains content inspired and created from personal interests and daily activities. The author’s location, life stage and experiences reveal how they choose to live life. 

I guess when I started writing, I was afraid to show who I was. I felt more comfortable using another name. I know blogs that stick to a particular topic are easier for people to find and follow, but that’s not the way I roll. I don’t like to feel that my creativity is stifled because I chose to write in a particular niche. I know a little about many things, but I don't profess to be an expert on any given topic.

Sharing my historical stories with older readers has had its challenges, as many who remember these stories from decades ago do not use social media. I have published stories in the local newspaper that many local seniors faithfully read. 

Thank you so much for reading and listening to my stories and supporting the gift shop. I love the experiences you share through your comments. Interacting with you has taught me many new things. 

