What You Need To Know | St. Patrick’s Day

There are always those things in life that we don’t understand and never take the time to learn about. I have been around for a few St. Patrick’s Days and of course, I get the gist of the day. If I had to explain it to someone though, I wouldn’t know a lot of its history. 

Ireland is an island country located in northern Europe. It was first inhabited 12,500 years ago.

where is Ireland?
I did some research and educated myself as to what St. Patrick’s Day is all about. It seems like an easy-going, fun day and everyone that celebrates it is in a good mood. 

Why is this day celebrated? 

St. Patrick’s Day originated as a religious celebration in the 17th century to commemorate the life of Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. As Irish people immigrated to countries around the world, they shared their traditions. It is now a global celebration of Irish culture.

Why is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated on March 17?

This day takes place on the anniversary of the missionary’s death, which is believed to be March 17, 461, AD. 

What traditions are associated with St. Patrick’s day?

The Color Green
  • The colour green is a symbol of national pride to Irish people.
  • Ireland’s nickname is the Emerald Isle for its lush green grass. 
  • Green is the colour of spring which comes shortly after St. Patrick’s Day.
  • The flag of Ireland has three colours, one of which is green. 
  • In 1914, people began consuming green beer as another way to acknowledge St. Patrick’s Day.
  • Revellers thought that wearing green made them invisible to leprechauns. Legend has it that these mischievous fairy creatures would pinch anyone not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day. So, if you get pinched on March 17, it may be because you're not wearing green. 
  • It is said that every leprechaun has a pot of gold, hidden deep in the Irish countryside. To protect the leprechaun’s pot of gold the Irish fairies gave them magical powers to use if ever captured by a human or an animal. They have the power to grant their captor three wishes in exchange for their freedom.

  • Three leaf clover or shamrock plants are a national symbol of Ireland. 
  • Saint Patrick used the three leaves on the clover in his teachings to represent the Holy Trinity: The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit.  
  • When a four-leaf clover is found it is said to symbolize good luck. It takes a rare genetic mutation to get that extra leaf which is why it’s so difficult to find. 

  • Traditional Irish food includes Irish soda bread, corned beef and cabbage, shepherd’s pie and Irish stew.

Irish blessing

May the road rise up to meet you. 

May the wind be always at your back. 

May the sun shine warm upon your face; 

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, 

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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©️Copyright 2020 Norma Galambos 

