Ties That Bind | Family Day

Origins of Family Day

The third Monday in February is a holiday in some provinces in Canada. The day, called Family Day, is meant to be an opportunity to reflect on the importance of spending time with our families and feeling gratitude for the connection we share with one another. It is also meant to break up the long winter stretch between New Year’s and Easter.

Family Day got it’s start in Alberta when the Family Day Act was passed in 1990. Other provinces followed suit over the next two decades. Saskatchewan introduced the Family Day holiday in 2007.

What Does Family Mean?

The word family technically means all the descendants of a common ancestor. Families today are more diverse than at any other time in history. Everyone has their own personal perception of who comprises their family. 

Family means having someone to love you unconditionally despite your shortcomings. As the saying goes family is family. Families love and support each other even when it’s not easy to do so. Families share joys and sorrows. 

Our family is the most important influence we have as children. We acquire our set of values from them. 

It’s the way you feel about someone, the attachment you have no matter what you always feel it in your heart. Family gives you a sense of belonging, even if you live far apart. 

The Makeup of Families Today

Families are configured in many ways. The core of a family consists of parents, children and their spouses, stepparents, stepchildren, grandparents and step-grandparents, grandchildren and step-grandchildren. There are many blended families with co-parenting being a common practice.  

Extended family play an important role in a family as well including aunts, uncles and cousins. Family is not always defined by blood relationships. It can be the people in your life who want you in theirs, the ones that accept you for who you are.

Generational Changes in Family Size

For the most part, families have become smaller through the generations. My parents both came from large families, Mom had ten siblings and Dad had eight. I have four siblings and The Hubs and I have two children.

Qualities of a Strong Family

  • appreciation and affection for each other
  • commitment 
  • positive communication
  • strong coping skills 
  • spending time together

The Benefits of Spending Time as a Family

  • Children feel important and loved
  • Children have an opportunity to model their parent’s behaviour
  • Parents can observe their child’s strengths and weaknesses so they can better guide them
  • Children have a chance to voice their thoughts and feelings

Things to Do On Family Day

Some families attend organized festivals to celebrate Family Day and others spend time together at home or doing activities. 

Outdoor activities can include skating, snowmobiling, sledding, skiing, snowboarding or fishing. This year February 15, 16 and 17 is free fishing weekend in Saskatchewan. As a family you could also visit a museum, a public attraction or go swimming. A cookout or a special family meal is also a great way to celebrate Family Day. 

If you live far from your family this day might mean connecting with them through a phone call or message to let them know you are thinking about them. 

Family never goes out of fashion; we always need our families.

What will you be doing on Family Day? 

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©️Copyright 2020 Norma Galambos 

