Remington Typewriter

The E. Remington and Sons Company created the very first typewriter in 1870. One of its first users was American writer Mark Twain.

My maternal grandfather was born in 1893 in Orne, Normandy, France and immigrated to Montreal in 1906 with his parents and sister. In 1914 he moved to Leask, Saskatchewan and got a job as a store clerk. In 1916 he purchased a homestead west of Leask and began farming.

Grandpa Brad was a farmer but also a businessman. He was a very intelligent and distinguished gentleman.  He was reeve of the Rural Municipality of Royal from 1930 to 1932, Secretary-Treasurer of the Beausite School District and in 1938 became Secretary Treasurer of the RM of Royal and then the Administrator until 1950. 

The Remington model 20 typewriter pictured was the one Grandpa used during his days in office.
