1. The birth of our first grandson; our son and his wife becoming parents for the first time.
2. Our three-year-old granddaughter riding her bike around the village; her blonde, curly-haired, pink helmet covered head bobbing from side to side as she took in every nuance of the world around her.
3. Ice cream; our eight-month-old granddaughter diving onto her first ice cream cone.
4. People walking by and touching the soft new needles on our tamarack tree.
5. Long walks around the village with family; the sunset and full moon in all their splendour.
7. Freshly planted gardens.
8. Wildlife returning; birds strutting around the yard.
9. Greenhouse visit; planting the treasures I bought and watching our yard come to life.
10. Relaxing on the deck visiting while supper is on the barbecue.
11. The warmth of the sun soaking into my soul.
The skies were bright,
Our hearts were light,
In the merry, merry month of May.
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