Why Doesn’t It Stick? | Gratitude

Thanksgiving, Gratitude

As Thanksgiving approaches, I have been pondering the concept of gratitude - being grateful.  

The thing about gratitude for some of us is that it doesn’t seem to stick. When something bad happens, we swear that we are grateful for the people in our lives and thankful for all that we have.

Then as time passes, we become complacent. We think we can outwit fate. Something in our psyche starts to eat away at that noble resolve and we slide back into our old thought patterns. 

It is difficult not to want the material things others have, to do the fun things they do or to visit the amazing places they travel to.

To be satisfied and comfortable in one's own skin is something that takes constant work to achieve and maintain.  If we let it, those feelings of longing can consume us. Appreciating the good in people and the beauty in the simple things around us can bring a sense of peace.

I am thankful for my family and friends this Thanksgiving especially our three granddaughters and new grandson.

My Thanksgiving wish is that you relax and treasure the time spent with the people that are precious to you. Enjoy the delicious food and bless the hands that prepared it.

Let the small things that make you feel stressed slide away and focus on what is important to you at this stage of your life. 

” Gratitude and complaining cannot co-exist simultaneously.  You must choose the one that best serves you.” 
Hal Elrod

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