Dirty Look | Saying Goodbye to Summer

When I see the leaves on the trees turn their beautiful fall colours and notice the first few floating down onto the browning grass, I feel a scream lodge in my throat and the words “no it’s too soon” shoot through my brain.  

September 2 was the first day I heard the geese honking as they flew over my house. My head whipped around, my gaze flew to the sky and I gave them a long dirty look. I felt bad; I didn’t mean to do it, but it was an instant uncontrollable reaction.  

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought that look would cause them to pause, turn around and stay, keeping summer with them; but no, they just cruised on by.  In my defence, they provoked that dirty look. Why do they feel the need to announce their departure so loudly?  Are they trying to rub in the fact that they are heading to their happy place?

After doing some intensive goose research I realized the geese were honking to communicate with each other not to torment me. They honk to let each other know where they are in the formation, so they don’t smack into one another. Geese also honk to encourage each other and keep up flock morale; what a great concept!

I also learned that if one goose gets weak and falls out of formation two others will fall back with him to make sure he is ok.  I have developed a whole new appreciation for these majestic creatures that I have seen so many times and never paid attention to.

Upon recovering from the goose distraction, I gave my head a shake and took another look around. Autumn really is a beautiful time of year and when we are fortunate to have a long fall we should go outside and enjoy it.  

In the case of 2018, all I can say at this point is that it felt like a short summer but hopefully we will have a very long fall. I am enjoying my walks in the cooler weather with the sound of the leaves crunching under my feet; it is a great time to think and reflect.

Listen to this episode on my 

Near Lumsden, SK 9/9/2018
9/9/2018 near Lumsden, Saskatchewan 

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