Momma was a Blogger Before Blogging was Cool

Leask Saskatchewan blogging farming farm life Canadian prairies Grandma G My Journey Into Retirement

In 1997 my family celebrated our parent’s 50th wedding anniversary - well Mom made it to the celebration, but Dad fell ill, was hospitalized and had to miss the party. He never regained his full health but went on to live for another nine years after that anniversary fiasco.

Mom wrote their life story over those fifty years of marriage in notebooks she kept in the kitchen cupboard. Those dog-eared pages contained a series of dated, written posts about everything from family happenings, crops and the weather. If there was ever a discussion about how or when something happened, she would bust out her notebooks to settle the matter.

My sisters and I published these writings into a book to acknowledge their fifty years together. It is an amazing collection of memories, but it was also emotional to read through.

It was a difficult time with Dad being ill, their decision to sell the family farm and move away from the town they had lived in their whole lives. I have a very sentimental soul and I remember tears running down my cheeks as I typed out the words she had written in those notebooks.

It dawned on me after I had done a few blog posts that my Momma was a blogger before blogging was cool - she just didn’t do it electronically and no one read her notes until
years after she had written them.

I guess every generation thinks they are trailblazers; doing new things, but we are just building on what our ancestors created.

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Anonymous said…
Very good, excellent reading.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait till next one.
Dorgon said…

Picture brings so many wonderful memories. I will contact you regarding the "book" as I would just love to read it. Thanks for writing, I have thought of doing this myself a million times but have never done it. Doris
Brittany C said…
Love your blog! Thanks for sharing :)
