That Cup of Coffee Got Cold | Self-Worth

Well, that cup of coffee got cold! As the initial euphoria and retirement celebrations start to fade into the distance I am feeling a little anxious.

Looking around at all the things I have accumulated over the past 40 years is a bit overwhelming.   I feel compelled to start all those projects I wanted to do but never had the time when I was working.

I did not realize how much my job helped me avoid all those things at home that I thought should be accomplished.  Now those projects are looking at me accusingly.
How do retirees get past the feeling that they have to be checking the to-do list and doing something productive all the time?  Is your self-worth in retirement measured by how much you accomplish or by how much you no longer do?

Listen to this episode on my podcast -

Thank you for reading!

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Unknown said…
Our self esteem/my self esteem was very much tied to working and to being productive at work! I'm still working at giving myself permission to have days where I don't check things off a 'to do' list and to not feel guilty about doing absolutely nothing!
Nanny Chris said…
I finally am having time to read your blog dear past colleague and friend. You're humor, wit and insight into life is exactly what I needed on a very blue day. I look forward to getting your blogs and reading it with a hot cup of coffee or a cold glass of wine. Keep the pencil sharp dear friend.
