It’s not all Rainbows, Butterflies and Unicorns

Growing older, aging

I was thinking that my blog posts should always be positive, upbeat and insightful; nothing but rainbows, butterflies and unicorns. Then I said to myself “as if”; by the time people reach their fifties, sixties and beyond they have seen and been through a lot of things.

Let’s face it; we all have a few battle scars, literally and figuratively; especially if you grew up on a farm back in the day.  We had broken bones and scars from getting stitched up after some nonsensical mishap.

Back then the term helicopter parenting didn’t exist; when they wanted to know where us kids were roaming on the farm our parents would call the dog. The direction the dog came from was where the kids could be found.

There weren’t any cell phones for them to text us to track us down.   We later realized that Mom was quietly monitoring our adventures from an unseen vantage point, but at the time we thought we were running free.

Although we carry those literal scars around on our bodies for the rest of our days like badges of honour; the figurative scars are harder to see. My generation, like those who came before us, has experienced grief, loss, broken friendships and relationships, job losses, financial setbacks and health issues.  We have raised our children and cared for our parents; now if we are lucky, we move on to being grandparents.

I think those battle scars we carry have made each of us into the people we are today; our life experiences have made us unique.  There is no one else exactly like me or you on this planet!

Listen to this episode on my podcast -

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