Giant Cedars Boardwalk Trail
Revelstoke National Park
British Columbia, Canada
There are five senses: the ability to see, hear, taste, smell and touch. The human body is impressive; if one of these senses is lessened, another can be heightened.
There are many good days in life, with shitty ones sprinkled in to keep us humble. It is easy to be consumed by life’s struggles and overlook the gift of a day.
How can we refocus where we use our emotional energy? Now more than ever, we are aware that every day matters. Things in our environment can stimulate more than one of our senses at the same time.
- sunrise
- sunset
- lightening
- nature’s beauty: lakes, plants, trees, animals
- friend's reassuring voice
- laughter
- prayer
- music
- singing
- crying
- birds chirping
- thunder
- rain on the roof
- wind
- new food
- a familiar treat
- sweet, salty, spicy, bitter
- coffee
- freshly baked bread
- flowers
- the rain
- newly mowed grass
- new baby
- the rain on our face
- the wind in our hair
- the warmth of the sun
- empathy
- love
- hope
- joy
- a kiss
- a hug
If the load you are carrying gets too heavy, it is ok to set it down and take a break.
- grief
- loneliness
- fear
- despair
- anger
- worry
- resentment
- shame
- regret
On any given day we have the ability to:
- right a wrong
- solve a problem
- express ourselves
- show compassion
- comfort a broken heart
- read a book
- go for a walk
- write/tell a story
- reach out
- create
- be kind
- be positive
Often when I do something I really enjoy with family or friends I will say “that was the best day ever” and then the next time I will say the same thing. I like to always make room in my heart for more “best days”.
What does your best day ever look like? For me it would be writing, creating, gardening, or being at a lake.
What makes you feel alive and passionate about life? What gives you a sense of completeness?